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Community Spotlight

Brewing Resilience and Perfect Coffee

Meet Jerry, a practical force in disaster preparedness and climate action. He’s not about accolades but actionable solutions, leading the charge for resilient communities. And guess what? His ethos seamlessly extends into his coffee shop, 18 Days.

Starting with a stark recognition of rising disasters, Jerry conducts practical workshops on climate change and preparedness. His community early warning system, using tech and local networks, keeps folks ahead of the curve without fuss.

Jerry doesn’t stop at workshops; he dives into sustainability with waste reduction, renewable energy, and local green projects. His focus is on doable actions, not just talk.

Collaborating with local groups, Jerry builds a network of prepared communities. When crises hit, his practical leadership shines, fostering resilience and shared responsibility.

It’s not just about coffee; it’s about brewing awareness and preparedness in the community, making every sip a taste of resilience.

Now, let’s talk about 18 Days. Named after the ideal brewing period for coffee, it’s not just a cafe; it’s a hub where patrons enjoy top-notch coffee and leave with a dash of preparedness know-how. Jerry effortlessly combines the art of brewing the perfect cup with the science of preparing for the unexpected.

In a nutshell, Jerry’s practical approach to disaster prep extends into 18 Days. It’s not just about coffee; it’s about brewing awareness and preparedness in the community, making every sip a taste of resilience.

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