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Beng’s Parenting Wisdom for a Stress-Free Christmas Season

Beng’s Parenting Wisdom for a Stress-Free Christmas Season

As the holiday season approaches, many parents find themselves caught in the whirlwind of festive preparations. The pressure to create a perfect Christmas can often lead to stress and anxiety. But fear not, because Beng Feliciano, the co-owner of The Parenting Emporium (TPE), is here to share her parenting wisdom and provide tips for a stress-free Christmas season.

Beng understands that being a parent can be both incredibly rewarding and overwhelming, especially during the holidays. She knows that in today’s fast-paced world, parents need support and guidance to make the most of this special time with their children.


During the Christmas rush, remember that the true spirit of the season lies in the love and togetherness we share with our children. Let our parenting community be your guide to a stress-free and joyful holiday celebration. – Beng Feliciano

Reflect On What Christmas Is For You
It sounds so basic but the answer to such reflection is both grounding and fulfilling. Think of your anchor in life, yourself, your loved ones, your “village” in raising your family and your chosen advocacies. From there, try to come up with a basic keyword to reflect your Christmas intention for that specific year. Whether you’ll go for the basic or something more intricate, your energy will be able to support your intention and reflection.

Prepare Early
Have you ever heard of Christmas in October? Yes, one or two friends have delivered Christmas presents in October. This advice is not to cause panic to the reader. It’s all about going for a pace that will help ease the stress that the holiday rush is known for. So if such advance preparations are available to you, go for it! Just make sure your preparations are consistent with your intention and reflection.

Get the Whole Family Involved
In line with TPE’s belief that parenting is a team effort, Beng recommends getting the whole family involved in the holiday preparations. Even young children can participate in age-appropriate tasks, whether it’s helping with decorations or wrapping gifts. Involving the entire family not only eases the workload but also strengthens family bonds.

Include Household Members in the Fun!
Consider getting themed statement shirts, like TPE’s “Family is Love shirts”, for the whole household! Such simple gesture already sends the warm message that they are part of your family. Through such warmth, they may naturally feel your Christmas intention, reflection, love and appreciation. Remember, those who feel love and appreciation pay things forward.

Practice Self-Care
Beng understands that parents often neglect their own well-being while taking care of their families. She emphasizes the importance of self-care. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, reading a good book, or simply enjoying a peaceful moment, self-care is essential for recharging and staying emotionally healthy.

Practice the Gratitude Attitude
Whatever you can do for and during the season, given both your finite and infinite resources, is enough. If you will get together with the whole family and friends, express what you are most thankful to them for. Such approach may make wrapped gifts even more meaningful and treasured. They may associate your words of appreciation with your gift offering.

Togetherness and TPE
This Christmas season, as you follow Beng’s parenting wisdom, remember that the most precious gift  you can give your children is a joyful, stress-free parent. By being part of the loving TPE community, you’ll navigate the holiday season with grace, love, and the true spirit of Christmas – togetherness.

If you’re reading this and haven’t found your parent community yet, Beng and TPE extend their open invitation. You can join their community, share your parenting journey, and find the support you need to make this Christmas season truly special.


So, this Christmas season, as you follow Beng’s parenting wisdom, remember that the most precious gift you can give your children is the gift of a happy, stress-free parent.

Enjoy the magic of Christmas, create beautiful memories, and embrace the joy of the season with your loved ones.

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